Friday, February 6, 2009

Close Up

I just shot these last night for the challenge. The blooms will look even better in a few days. I guess I'll use the first one although it's not open as much. It's a better composition. The super close up ( image 2 ) was shot with an 18 mm lens with a +4,+2 and a +1 screw-in filter. Illuminated with a flashlight for 10 seconds.

Christmas Cactus (?)

Bonus Pics. I shot these with the standard 18-55 mm non-macro lens

Onion seed bloom

Disregard the previous post below. That's a Cloze Up not a Close Up. ;-)

Thursday, February 5, 2009

Recent Close Up

Barbara Hester has closed the doors of her Vincent-Hester Gallery after serving the art community with her hospitality, expertise and graciousness for over five years.

Monday, February 2, 2009

Instructional Podcasts

I just finished watching a 2 hour podcast from B & H Photo that was free and uninterrupted. There are 62 clips that cover everything from lighting to professional video recording. Follow the link and check them out. Very educational.