Sunday, December 20, 2009

Christmas Card ~ 2009

I have seen a lot of our members' Christmas cards on Flickr and Facebook and they are of the highest quality and creativeness. I'm just going to post a few snapshots that I added text to and try to pass them off as Christmas cards. I used to hand paint my cards and had a different one for each of my friends. I thought using Nikon and Corel would be easier, but it's turned out to be a labor of love. Enjoy and I'll add a few more later. And a Merry Christmas to everyone, especially those who have perused my photostream and left a nice comment.

Monday, November 9, 2009

Autumn Challenge

Click on image for full screen

Fall is just now getting to the coast with about 40% of the trees changing. Autumn doesn't necessarily mean colorful trees, but it is one of the main events. I'll go ahead and post what I got in Colonial Williamsburg last week and see what happens. I've posted some more on my Flickr Photostream if you get a minute to peruse my 2,334 images.

Sunday, July 19, 2009

Bloggers' Community Photo Challenge on Vacation

The Bloggers' Community Photo Challenge will resume in August. Come back then and join in the fun and sharing.

Wednesday, April 22, 2009

Retouched with Paintshop Pro

re: A Little Help Sunflower Kat's image from the Bloggers' Community Photo Forum

Live concert shots are sometimes difficult. Someday I may have to take a few minutes and compose a list of tips to share. But for now: I would wait until the lighting was better ( if the stage guys ever change them ), then catch the performer in a pause ( it helps to know the song ). A singer always has the microphone in the wrong place ( usually in front of his mouth ). Highlights are hard to avoid, especially if the performer is bald or sweating.

I didn't write down all the steps I used in the post-processing, but it was more than one-click fixes. I'm not real familiar with layering so some of this was done with two images and copy-and-pasting. Different areas had to have their own adjustments.

Thursday, March 26, 2009

Bonus Pic

I must have been having a senior moment when I was posting my entry for the Mailbox Photo Challenge. I meant to add this to the post as an extra. It's my next-door neighbor's mailbox and I used it for making New Year's cards for 2005.

Friday, March 20, 2009

Photo Challenge - Mailboxes

Take the Bloggers' Community Photo Challenge:

I've seen a multitude of mailboxes that I'd like to shoot, but this one is a favorite from the past. There is a story behind it's owner, but there's not enough space here. But I will say that everything in her yard, including her house, was purple. I guess that's why they called her "The Purple Lady".

Friday, February 6, 2009

Close Up

I just shot these last night for the challenge. The blooms will look even better in a few days. I guess I'll use the first one although it's not open as much. It's a better composition. The super close up ( image 2 ) was shot with an 18 mm lens with a +4,+2 and a +1 screw-in filter. Illuminated with a flashlight for 10 seconds.

Christmas Cactus (?)

Bonus Pics. I shot these with the standard 18-55 mm non-macro lens

Onion seed bloom

Disregard the previous post below. That's a Cloze Up not a Close Up. ;-)

Thursday, February 5, 2009

Recent Close Up

Barbara Hester has closed the doors of her Vincent-Hester Gallery after serving the art community with her hospitality, expertise and graciousness for over five years.

Monday, February 2, 2009

Instructional Podcasts

I just finished watching a 2 hour podcast from B & H Photo that was free and uninterrupted. There are 62 clips that cover everything from lighting to professional video recording. Follow the link and check them out. Very educational.

Friday, January 30, 2009

Extra Bonus

Just a coupla food extras.

Friday, January 23, 2009

Community Photo Challenge ~ FOOD

Community Photo Challenge ~ FOOD !

This is just a grab shot from last week before I knew about the FOOD Challenge. I didn't realize how easy food is to shoot. And it doesn't complain. But you have to act quickly. It will either melt or get eaten before you finish. This was hand held, using available light. Probably not the best way to do it, but I wuz hongry.

Thursday, January 22, 2009

" Hearts "

Bloggers' Community Photo Challenge ~ Hearts Y

3 x 3 @ 72 dpi for the collage

This is the original photo of a porcelain jewelry box

that my Mom made years ago. She decided to give it to

her closest friend for her birthday last year. I set up the

shot and made a birthday card for her. After her friend

read and commented on the card, Mom then gave her

the gift-wrapped jewelry box. I cannot describe the

feelings in the room that day, but it gave me the warm fuzzies.


Wednesday, January 14, 2009

* Not For Voting - Funzies Only

This is my idea of a "Still Life" as per Shutterbug Refresher Course
I didn't enter it in the Challenge because it was so old (Oct '08) and I may have used it before.
I used a Mini-Maglight for illumination and a 15 second exposure.
The official entry for the Still Life Challenge is below in the previous post.

Friday, January 9, 2009

Still Life

This is my entry for Community Photo Challenge - Still Life

I just happen to have a still life that I shot the other day for my friend at the Olde Towne Bakery & Cafe. It's a new item on the menu and he needed a photo. I had to do it quickly, as the whipped cream was starting to run. I don't usually eat Hot Fudge Cake for breakfast, but I hated to see it go to waste. yum.

Also posted at Flickr